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    Course SEN 301 | Object-Oriented Analysis and Design | 300 Level | 1st Semester Download PDF
    Course Structure Object–oriented approach to information system development, particularly in reference to the earlier stages of analysis and design. Importance of modelling, principles of modelling, object–oriented modelling, conceptual model of the Unified Modelling Language (UML), architecture, software development life cycle. The principles and basic concepts of object orientation and the different aspects of object–oriented modelling as represented by the UML technique. Case study of a typical UML–based CASE tool
    Course SEN 302 | S FO TW RA E ET S IT NG AND QUAL YTI ASSU NAR CE | 300 Level | 1st Semester Download PDF
    Course Structure How to ssa ure dna veri yf a Soft aw re, a een d for cul ut re of auq il ty. vA oida cn e of errors dna ehto r auq il ty pr bo lems. I psn e tc ions dna revie sw ,T se it n v,g erifi tac ion dna va il tad i no t ce hniques rP, co ess ssa ura cn e vs pr udo ct ssa ura cn e. Q au il ty pr eco ss nats dard. rP odu tc dna pr eco ss ssa ura cn e. rP oblem na la ysis dna r pe orting .S tat i ts i ac l ppa roaches ot auq il ty tnoc rol.
    Course SEN 303 | Software Testing and Quality Assurance | 300 Level | 1st Semester
    Course Structure How to assure it and verify it, and the need for a culture of quality. Avoidance of errors and other quality problems. Inspections and reviews. Testing, verification and validation techniques. Process assurance vs. Product assurance. Quality process standards. Product and process assurance. Problem analysis and reporting. Statistical approaches to quality control
    Course SEN 305 | Web Application Development | 300 Level | 1st Semester Download PDF
    Course Structure Covers client-server model for web applications and associated client-side and server-side technologies, MVC development guideline and development of a complete web application using a framework such as Ruby of rails of Django.
    Course SEN 307 | Database Systems | 300 Level | 1st Semester
    Course Structure The course will cover the concept, principles, components, development and application of database systems. The conceptual models and structures necessary to designing and implementing a relational database system will be taught. Topics to be covered: entity-relationship, relational data models, relational algebra, SQL, normalisation, file organisation, indexing, hashing, and enterprise-wide web-based applications that employ databases.
    Course SEN 309 | Concepts of Programming Languages | 300 Level | 1st Semester
    Course Structure Preliminaries, evolution of programming languages, paradigms, language design considerations, language processing including syntax and semantic analysis, naming, binding, type checking, expression and assignment statement, statement-level control structures, subprograms, abstract data types, support for object-oriented languages, concurrency, exception handling, functional and logic programming.
    Course SEN 311 | Enterprise Architecture | 300 Level | 1st Semester
    Course Structure Information technology infrastructure and the systems that support the operational, administrative and strategic needs of an organisation. The design, selection, implementation and management of enterprise information technology solutions. Frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, distributed computing, middleware, legacy system integration, system consolidation, software selection, total cost of ownership calculation, information technology investment analysis, and emerging technologies. Managing risk and security within audit and compliance standards.
    Course SEN 399 | Industrial Training | 300 Level | 1st Semester
    Course Structure Students are attached to private and public organisations for a period of six months with a view to making them acquire practical experience and to the extent possible, develop skills in all areas of computing. Students are supervised during the training period and shall be expected to keep records designed for the purpose of monitoring their performance. They are also expected to submit a report on the experience gained and defend their reports.
    Course STA 343 | Operation Research I | 300 Level | 1st Semester
    Course Structure Nature and scope of operations research. Linear programming and graphical, simplex (including big M and two-phase) methods. Sensitivity analysis. Duality theory. Transportation and assignment problems. Network analysis: CPM and PERT. Inventory theory and applications. Sequencing and scheduling.